First Avenue Night Club
This club has long been a favorite with people as a place to relax, enjoy the music and dance!
This club has long been a favorite with people as a place to relax, enjoy the music and dance!
One resident spirit can be annoying, and may have overstayed his welcome.
I like to watch all the people from my special place.
We love our forever home.
How could you murder us for a faster inheritance?
Griggs Mansion has the dubious reputation of being the most haunted house in Saint Paul… A boatload of entities have made contact by various means.
I really did love her!
We have each other now.
A wanna-be outlaw crossed the line into real trouble after joining a violent 1930s gang…
I lovingly support my family and the living.
I have eternity to come up with a plan to make my fortune.
I can arrange things better than the living, and I have done so.
What is your business down here?
Let’s get the lighting right! Enunciate your lines!
We have been there and done that!
A botched execution has caused a haunting. Death hasn’t made his spirit any saner.
I have no privacy!
We had such good times!
Where is our memorial? How could they pack it away?
Reported personal experiences have been positive, gentle, yet memorable.
It’s a 1930s spectral time warp.
My death was horrible but this building is the afterlife consolation prize.
“OH MY! I like this lady’s stuff in her suitcase. I’m going to borrow some of it for awhile!”
“I still have a to-do list of projects to repair or fix.”
“I was a seafaring man and I have manners.”
Ah, this will have to be my piece of heaven, to find temporary rest from my woes and disappointments.
The Castle Royal was a romantic place to have a great time of fun and relaxation. Spirits still do!